Lorain Cooperative Ministry

Food & Clothing Pantries Community Meals
Front Door Ministry
Bless the Work we do for You Lord.
Bless our humble efforts.
Bless the little things that go unseen, but to You Lord.
Bless our labor in the vineyard of God.
Bless our encounters with others.
Let Your holy presence connect us in Love.
2nd & 4th Mon Food Pantry 6-8pm
2nd Monday Community Meal 5-6pm
4th Sunday Community Meal @ Redeemer Episcopal 12-1pm
Episcopal Church of the Redeemer
Weekly Wednesday Community Lunch 11:30am - 1pm
Weekly Thursday Community Dinner 5:30-6:30pm
First Evangelical Lutheran Church
Weekly Tuesday Front Door Ministry & Food Pantry 10-11:30am
Great Lakes Church
2nd & 4th Wed Clothing Pantry 10am-1pm
Greater Victory Christian Ministries
Summer of Innovation Camp Host
Lorain Lighthouse United Methodist
4th Thurs Food Pantry 1-2:30pm
Eligibility Guidelines

Community Meals
Our volunteers are eager to serve our community a healthy meal. All of our hot meal sites are trained in food safety.
We encourage you to offer suggestions for menus.